jazzkeller 69 e.V. Archiv

11.09.2015 - Einlass: 21:00:00 Beginn: 21:30:00
Aufsturz - Oranienburger Strasse 67-68, 10117

Trio اسم

Trio اسم - Pat Thomas - Piano
Trio اسم - Joel Grip - Bass
Trio اسم - Antonin Gerbal - Schlagzeug

اسم ist ein Name, geschrieben in Tusche, wie ein Strich durch Europas kreative Musik. Ein Round-Trip, Berlin – Oxford, via Paris. اسم  ist Pat, Joel und Antonin – ein Trio in gefleckter Stille ohne Name. Ihre Musik kreiert abstrakte und zeitgenössische Formen und erinnert an ursprüngliche Jazztrios.
Der Groove der Musik ist dicht und intensiv, aber immer Stille. Ein stetiger Fluss Hochspannungsentladungen. اسم steht im Arabischen für Vorstellungskraft und die Möglichkeit zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen zu vermitteln. Pat Thomas, a pillar stone in the creative music scene of Great Britain, keeps a hold breath on the European contemporary improvised music scene.
With a touch beyond the northern hemisphere by hands reaching out from a very own mix of history of musics (jazz, classical and the West Indian). Pat has at least participated on 70 recordings and been involved in creating non-heard music with legendary musicians such as Derek Bailey, Tony Oxley, Evan Parker, Phil  Minton. Joel Grip continues to schlepp his double bass around the globe as if it was the ax that chops down the branch he is sitting on. A constant down-fall of music establishing a moist ground for a coming backlash of woodpeckers making those guts vibrate the way you want it.
Umlaut, Umlicht and Umdicht are his ambiguous mobile homes under constant construction. Active in the groups Peeping Tom, Mirror Mind Rose, Ahmed, Borel Grip duo, Je Suis! and наказание Antonin Gerbal, probably the most swinging guy in Paris, never let go of the stick attached to an idea. Simultaneously making people dance, he questions his audiences in deconstructing every possibility of an obvious thought. This is the dance, the music; the in-between polarities. The balance act of keeping it or loosing it is a good reason to swing.
In any case, his activities, grown from the famous Umlaut head quarters at Rue Polonceau in Paris, leaves nothing unattended. You can hear this in Zoor, Peeping Tom, R.Mutt, and наказание
