jazzkeller 69 e.V. Archiv

02.11.2002 - Einlass: 21:00:00 Beginn: 21:30:00
Jazzkeller Treptow - Puschkinallee 5, 12435

Fringe Festival - Berlin: Lol Coxhill and Elton Dean advanced in three days

Lol Coxhill - Olaf Rupp - Olaf Rupp - Gitarre
Lol Coxhill - Olaf Rupp - Lol Coxhill - Saxophone
Kellers - Winckel - Borgmann - Coxhill - Dean - Thomas Borgmann - Holzblasinstrumente
Kellers - Winckel - Borgmann - Coxhill - Dean - Christoph Winckel - Bass
Kellers - Winckel - Borgmann - Coxhill - Dean - Willi Kellers - Schlagzeug
Kellers - Winckel - Borgmann - Coxhill - Dean - Lol Coxhill - Saxophone
Kellers - Winckel - Borgmann - Coxhill - Dean - Elton Dean - Saxophone, Saxophone
Elton Dean - Fine Kwiatkowski - Fine Kwiatkowski - Tanz

was gibt es über lol coxhill noch zu sagen? - außer das er grade in diesen Tagen seine 70igsten Geburtstag feiern konnte, zu den eigenständigsten und unabhängisten Musikern gehört, die ich kenne, das er traumwandlerisch zwischen allen Welten, Stilen und Schubladen wandelt - und wenn man ihn auf seinem kleinen Saxofon oder singen hört oder besser noch seinen kleinen unendlich verückten Geschichten lauscht, ja dann sollte man sich zurücklehnen und eintauchen in eine verspielte andere Welt....

In: >>> There can't be many musicians who can claim to have played with Tommy Cooper, The Damned and Anthony Braxton, but Lol Coxhill can. For a good few decades his unmistakeable soprano saxopone has appeared in the unlikeliest places, but whether busking under Hungerford Bridge or playing the Purcell Rooms, he's consistently tapped into the sound of surprise with good humour and an admirable lack of pretension.<<< oder auch: >>>Famous for his unaccompanied, unorthodox concerts and albums, Lol Coxhill has an immediately identifiable soprano and sopranino style. He's perhaps Steve Lacy's prime rival in getting odd sounds out of the soprano with his wrenching, twisting, quirky solos. While Coxhill's an accomplished saxophonist and can play conventional bebop, it's his winding, flailing soprano and sopranino lines that make him stand out. He actually started playing more conservatively; Coxhill backed visiting American soul and blues vocalists in the '60s, playing behind Rufus Thomas, Lowell Fulson and Champon Jack Dupree. He worked with Steve Miller's group Delivery in 1969 and 1970, and played with them at the Berlin Music Festival. But his debut album Ear of the Beholder established a new direction for Coxhill. Since then, he's worked with both bebop and free musicians, among them Chris McGregor, Trevor Watts, Bobby Wellins and Company. Coxhill's also played with such groups as The Recedents, Standard Conversions and The Melody Four. ~ Ron Wynn, All Music Guide<<<

Hinzufügen kann ich nur noch seine legendäre Arbeit mit 'Henry Cow' und den unzähligen improvisierenden Muskern dieses Planeten.

Insofern ist Elton Dean das passende Gegenüber für Coxhill an diesen drei Tagen: >>>Elton Dean is a totally unique musician : at times lyrical and moving, at others explosive and unsettling, his approach of saxophone playing is totally his own, besides the fact that he favors a little-used member of the sax family : the saxello, an hybrid between alto and soprano, with an instantly recognizable sound. Over the years, Dean has lent his immense talents to bands like Soft Machine, Soft Heap, In Cahoots and L'Equip'Out, as well as many jazz ensembles featuring Keith Tippett, Hugh Hopper, Pip Pyle, Mark Hewins and John Etheridge.<<<

darüberhinaus kann ich nur empfehlen folgendem Link zu folgen und das Interview mit Elton Dean zu lesen: www.btinternet.com/~stephen.yarwood/elton.htm

Ach - und dann lese ich grade noch die Geschichte das ELTON JOHN seinen Namen nach den Vornamen von Elton Dean und John Baldry (beide seinerzeit in der Bluesology Band) auswählte (sowas findet man aber nur, wenn man unter Elton Johns Seiten im Internet landet)